Currently Accepting New Patients

In the past, to be diagnosed with a mental health condition, one had to schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist, be asked a series of bizarre questions about ink blots (that seemed to make no sense), and were sent home with a bottle of pills and a fancy diagnosis that should explain your behavior patterns.

Fast forward to today, simply turn on your computer and take a BuzzFeed quiz to obtain your “diagnosis” in 5 minutes or less — and you too can enjoy blaming your terrible life choices on a multiple choice test rooted sheerly on horoscopes and refer to it as your “Mental Health Care Era” — insert 5 sparkly emojis.

ADHD: A Diagnosis or a Lifestyle?

Wake up. Enjoy a bowl of fresh strawberries. Navigate the chaos of the day. Attempt to sleep. Repeat for 25 days. On day 26 — run out of berries and have a panic attack, rush to the nearest grocery store, purchase several boxes of berries, and down a package in the parking lot. Go home. Continue the standard cycle for 74 days. Wake up. Decide you despise strawberries and never want to eat them again. Have a banana and repeat the entire process. A short glimpse into hyperfixation at its best.

Imagine you’re at an arcade where winning a certain amount of tickets gives you snacks and the remaining stubs go towards prizes. The bright lights, music, and abundance of options excite your brain, as games vary in difficulty level and chances of success. While one part of your brain tries to do the math, another is lost in the spell of the surroundings, and another is attempting to figure out what your pals are calling you over to do — one must *snap* out of the hamster wheel of thoughts it’s become caught on before attempting to do any of these tasks.

But most of the time we’re not at the arcade. Are we? We need to go to work to earn money for food, shelter, and utilities. While keeping said home (and the family we live with among it). Even with the best intentions, you have to rinse the toothpaste out of your mouth before you eventually flip the laundry you neglected to put in the dryer last night — and racing thoughts with no destination are unlikely to come to an end simply because one wants to sleep.

In childhood, the frustration to control one’s thoughts may manifest as anger or enthusiasm. Whereas in adults it may lean towards anxiety, OCD, a desire to be perfect, or worst case scenarios: depression.

Before consulting the professionals at TikTok University — please seek the assistance of a licensed Psychiatrist for a proper diagnosis if you feel like you relate to this segment (as you could be far worse off than just a lazy, unorganized, procrastinator). ADHD is a serious condition and should be treated as such. To answer a few of your burning questions: yes, there are more treatment options than just stimulants (therapy/med options) and there is a wide variety of stimulants available now with much fewer side effects.

Why are you so Obsessed with me?... (or whatever Mariah Carey said)

From the ex who can’t stop posting filtered selfies to the wannabe vegan co-worker who makes it her mission to tell everyone about her dietary enlightenment — the condition known as “Narcissism” has become a trendy go-to insult. If you are looking to label someone’s self-absorbed actions seem like a certified personality disorder worthy of a jump scare, you’ve hit the nail on the head with this one.

But the #blessed crew who are determined to max out daddy’s credit card on posh vacations for their Gram’ followers are the least of our worries. It’s the true ‘Narcs’ that now (and likely will forever) go undiagnosed to be wary of.

A bonafide case is truly the mirror mirror on the wall. Anything condescending they say, if called out, will be manipulated and sent back in a curveball. We all have that aunt or uncle who loves to sing the praises of their accomplishments at EVERY holiday gathering (as if we all didn’t just attend the last one).

And if by chance someone else reaches an achievement or life milestone by the next gathering and it is announced — shortly after a brief moment of admiration, the conversation somehow always…. “circles back” to them. However, if anyone addresses the subject — they are now the proclaimed “narcissist” for the duration of the event.

Now who is the fairest of them all?

Just Another Manic Monday

No need to call the kettle black, we’ve all been there. You have too many drinks one night and fly off the handle at your partner, then show up to brunch the next morning as if nothing happened. A friend calls you out for being a certified hot mess express the night before, but you shrug it off with a simple: “My bad, I must have been having one of my Manic episodes — you know I can’t help it”.

Once manic episodes became a buzz-worthy catchphrase for extreme mood swings, people began to use the medical term to justify a wide range of impulsive and toxic behaviors. Was the bride a frantic Bridezilla cursing out her wedding planner? Manic episode. Did your mild-mannered coworker violently overturn their cubicle after receiving a single critique? Just a run-of-the-mill manic episode y’all.

The recipe is simple:

Do whatever you want + blame it on your mental health = actions excused!

Emotional Sponges

Those intuitive people who have hearts three sizes too big are known for being able to tap into the emotions of others. Living in a world where emotions run high and social media reigns supreme, they are constantly picking up on the most subtle of vibes as if the weight of the world rests on their shoulders. You know the friend I’m referring to, right? The Empath.

Solid as a rock. They are available when you need them the most. Great for a laugh but even better for a trauma dump. But why? They secretly enjoy the drama. Because THEY ARE the drama. Everyone comes to them with their worries, knowing that they can pour the pipping hot tea to the emotional janitor of the friend group, and they are more than willing to clean it up. Enabling them to live vicariously through others while avoiding getting involved in issues or causing tension.

Why do you think the cross is so heavy to bear? Everyone continues to add more emotional trash to the pile. Please remember to regularly ring out the group’s sponge!

As always, it is okay to ask somebody (else) for help. Please seek out a licensed therapist or psychiatrist if any of these conditions resonate with you.

Treatment is alive and well — just as you should be.

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